garden path amid flowers and trees

Chapter 12

Collaboration in the New


Joyfully Ours

The Golden Key

Collaboration in the New

The Multilayered Now

Once and Future


Harmonizing with Change

Bathing in the Light

Eyes Closed, Envisioning


May 01, 2015

It is now mid-Spring and abundance is everywhere apparent — abundant birdsong, abundant flowers, abundant sunlight, abundant greening as young leaves reach for the sun in the warming light.  Blossoming trees are lush with self-expression.

The cycle of the seasons has circled round again and nature mirrors to us renewal, new vitality and new expression.

We ourselves respond to the same expansive energy that inspires nature’s world.  In this sense, we are all children blossoming and renewing in the same light.

Nature’s garden has once again become everywhere apparent — around us, and within us.  Nature’s garden is visually obvious.  It is also a feeling, ever present and nudging us into new self-expression, new blossoming — no matter our “age”.

When we harmonize with this garden-energy, we ourselves feel renewal and inspiration.  As the outer world of nature changes in appearance every day, increasingly greening with the freshness of new, we ourselves have the same opportunity — if we will allow it.

Nature has not been taught that she cannot renew.  Just as we ourselves may have accepted a myth of limitation, so too we can move beyond it.

The New Earth, the New Garden Earth, is the place within ourselves where we can access that which is inherently ours but which has been elusive.

The ancients celebrated May 1st as the point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.  Visible daylight continues to expand until the Solstice.  We can align ourselves with the subtle magic of this movement of energy — this expanded expression of Light.

Celebrating here

in the oasis

green Earth, blooming

(from the song “Now is the Time”, 2007)

May your Celebrations be Many!  Happy Greening!

Joyfully Ours

May 06, 2015

On the wings of delight and self-discovery the New Earth, the New Garden Earth, arrives into us — into our consciousness — through a doorway where we have said “welcome”.

Inherent within this experience of expansion, we are in touch with our own innocence and the enthusiasm of a young child seeing the world through new eyes.  It is a pulsation of excitement, a pulsation which we can feel coursing through us.

This is a place of playful discovery which welcomes children of all ages.  In this New Garden Earth, flexibility has replaced rigidity.  In the Light of our personal de-light, our self-expression becomes an entirely new dance of freedom and authenticity.

We realize that we are collaborators and co-creators with Source energy — and with one another.  And here, our beautiful dance of co-creation expands — for the highest good of all beings.

How wide can we open our arms to welcome and to embrace this joyful opportunity?

It is yours.  It is mine.  It is ours.  It simply is.

The Golden Key

June 8, 2015

As we embrace this wider perspective of the power of our breath, we move beyond all limiting concepts that we may have been taught.

We experience consciousness of connection — not separation.  Everyone is connected through the same Source energy, and everyone is uniquely and individually free within it.

There is no need for choices.  Everything stretches out before us, and we know what to do — at any given moment.  Connection with clarity simply is.

The golden key is alignment — alignment with Heart, alignment with Source.

We each hold our own golden key.  It is the key to the opening of our Heart knowingness.

It all happens by being present within ourselves — breathing in, “I am present.”  And breathing out, “I express”.

Love, Harmony, Delight, Peace

We  express by our way of being in the world — present, rooted.  We express by our way of doing in the world — present, rooted.

The power in our rooted presence comes from our heart-felt alignment with the energy of Unconditional Love which is the Source of all Existence.

It is so simple that we overlook it.  It is so simple that it escapes our notice.

There is no measuring this power of connection with Source energy which is inherent within us.  It cannot be quantified.

Collaboration in the New

June 22, 2015

Amid the birdsong of the early morning of this first full day of Summer, the Solstice energy danced — stirring change and new expression.

Concurrent with the Solstice, the higher vibrational frequency energies emanating primarily from the Sun continue to sweep our planet like a warm breeze — wave upon wave arriving at the shoreline of our consciousness.  The nudges to awaken into a new way of being — what some call the fifth dimension — are unabating.

Awakening from the slumber of concepts of limitation opens wide a gateway into unlimited possibility in the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.  Here we resolve that which has perplexed humanity for millennia:  Where is that mythic place, the Garden (by whatever name we choose to call it) where all is Beautiful, Abundant, Peaceful?

This mythic place first appears within our hearts — longings transformed into recognizing that which is right in front of us, face to face.  It appears in synchronicity that tells us our steps are true.  It appears in our heart-centered collaborations, our co-creations which are rooted in our connection with Source energy, that energy of which we are all individualized sparks.

It appears in the inspiration which comes to us, arriving into our heart-centered awareness.  What feels right is.  In this new energy the compass point for navigation is Joy.  What fills us with Delight?  How shall we play in this New Earth Garden — collaboratively, co-creatively?  What Playfulness fills us with Enthusiasm?

How wide can we open our arms to receive that which is beckoning to us, calling to our hearts, encouraging us to happily express our uniqueness?  The deeper we receive, and express, the brighter we shine.

As children in the New Garden Earth, we each have our own unique box of crayons — our own talents — with which to express and to discover.  As we add our brilliant colors to the Garden in our own way, we discover — at a new level of appreciation — the value in diversity.  From different perspectives, sparks of Source energy return into oneness of expression — collaborative and co-creative in our Garden-world.

May we choose to use our inherent creativity and — with Delight — collaborate.  Through the fresh view of the children that we ourselves are, within this New Garden, may we together create the Joyful future that we would like to experience and share.

The Multilayered Now

July 19, 2015

Within this seemingly idyllic summer, there was another facet — something I was being stirred to discover as I sailed among the islands, reliant entirely on the wind.  What was that elusive something?  Something I had forgotten.  Eventually (years later) I recognized the similarity between those Maine islands and the British Isles.  This was a feeling awareness, something held in my own memory.  And, years after that, I learned that the two areas were geologically connected long ago.

As I continued my leisurely walk I returned my attention to the “present”.  If all that is past is prelude, what is happening now?  There is an in-gathering of one’s experience and impressions (memory stored over lifetimes) into the multilayered now.  The multilayered now is experienced within the vast energy field of Unconditional Love.

This energy field is a higher vibrational frequency which differs from the “place” in which we have gathered our experience — the denser ordinary reality.

During this time of rapid change we are integrating experience-which-had-to-be-had-for-understanding-to-be-gained into a new way of being on Earth — the New Earth consciousness.

Trees in abundant greenery, their lush foliage radiant in the sunshine, were everywhere around me during a recent walk on a beautiful afternoon.  Though present within the experience of my walk, I was surprised when another summer — years in the past — arrived in my awareness.

Throughout that summer, in Maine, I daysailed among the nearby islands as often as possible.  Leaving the mooring in the morning, my small wooden boat and I headed toward the Seal Rocks, White Islands, Outer Heron.  If the wind was favorable, there might be time to visit the more distant Damariscove before heading back.  I’m surprised that I now recall the smell of my boat’s cedar planking on oak mixed with the salt air.  I can also hear a bell buoy which marks a channel.  This “past” is very present with me, though I’m not trying to be there.

This “place” — the New Earth, the New Garden Earth — may seem at once accessible and elusive.  How do we reach this “place” — first on the inner levels, within ourselves, and then as outer world experience?

It’s as though this garden has a gate, a transparent gate through which we can see possibility.  Seeing possibility stirs our hearts to open in a new way.  Soon we began to notice that something has changed.  What has begun to change is our own perception.  Now the outer world seems different to us.  The difference is a feeling, a feeling within ourselves.  That which we have begun to encounter may seem elusive, visiting us and then disappearing.  A recalibration has begun.

To enter fully the pathway into this multilayered now we learn to leave our baggage at the invisible garden gate.  Limiting concepts and patterns will melt away as we give them room to move.  And what creates that movement?  Honest and creative self expression — including expressing anger and expressing fears.  Held anger and frustration need to be expressed so that they can be released.

Anger, fear and judgements have been accumulating in the collective consciousness for eons.  Freeing oneself from these constraints is a service to all beings.

Taught limitations are residual from the Old Earth.  As one awakens into the New Earth, the roots of these taught limitations dissolve and expansion becomes possible.

There are safe ways to express and release without being interactive with others who may conditionalize our expression.  These held emotions are confining, and they drain our vitality, for they prevent the flow of light and higher frequencies.

With persistent focus, all the layers of our experience converge in the “space” within ourselves where we can release all our judgements, limiting concepts, limiting beliefs and constraints.  When these are melted, we are free to express our rediscovered true nature.

How wide can we stretch our arms to embrace the fullness of our own Knowingness and Delight that we have come so far?

The multilayered now sings to us in the high vibrational frequency energy of Unconditional Love.  This song we can feel in our hearts as a dance of energy pulsing through us.  Delight, Renewal, Enthusiasm, Peace — all are interwoven in Harmony.

Once and Future

August 01, 2015

What can I say about once upon a timethat which you do not yet remember?

What can I say about future — possible, probable, likely — that which you do not yet see, for the gift of such sight has been forgotten?

What can I say about now — the point between once upon a time and future, which encompasses both?

Perhaps there is nothing to say.

* * * * * * * * * *

Comes the revealing dawn

when the new Light — intense and clear —

kisses our eyes open

and we awaken, laughing.

What shall we do

in this new Light, this new dawn

as the Sun rises higher in the morning sky?

Laugh with one another.  And Celebrate!


August 31, 2015

The sun rises, and the sun sets.  And in between, there is the sun’s path across the sky.  There is the weather.  And activity.

As we walk through our day, wherever we are, our steps are sequential.  Our perception of linear time, however, is not consistent.

Linear time is a construct, an incremental grid which — long ago — was overlaid upon the natural flow of sequence.

It is we who discern for ourselves the point at which the organizational usefulness of this conceptual structure becomes limiting rigidity — disrupting our natural flow, our natural rhythm.

Do we know how to allow this construct to serve us?  Perhaps we will have more insight when we align with the sequential nature of change.  This alignment happens within us.

As we balance among the worlds of linear time and the sequential nature of things, we also refine our perception of outer direction and inner direction.

Most of us have been taught to mold ourselves to outer world direction, and the dictates of linear time, and to forget that which is inherent within us.

Inherent within us is harmony with the brilliance of simplicity — the ability to see, sense, feel and know who we are, and why we are here.  It is our heart longings which return us to this place of simplicity.  Often our clarity is greatest in the outside-of-time place at sunrise, before the outer world insists on our attention.

As the sun rises, sequentially, above the horizon line, the veils between the worlds of limitation and the vast are open.  We perceive the larger rhythms — and our place within them.

Here we return to simplicity — and our own expansiveness — and another new beginning within ourselves.  As we practice retaining this expansiveness throughout the sequence of our day, our world shifts.  We arrive into the New Earth, the New Garden Earth, rooted in the simplicity of peaceful Harmony and Ease within the vast.

Harmonizing with Change

September 07, 2015

How does this translate into our personal experience?

At birth we arrived into a reality which was unfamiliar to us, and we learned to adapt.  We grew within the parameters of the concepts that were presented to us.  Those parameters are now shifting as the ongoing electromagnetic variations create disturbances in the force fields of our personal vitality and focus — and in the force fields of those around us.

We — or those around us — may persist in trying to take comfort in the familiar (thus seeking validation for what-has-been) rather than integrating the knowingness that change simply is.

The electromagnetic variations, waves of higher frequency energy, are causing us to vibrate more rapidly at a cellular level.  This more rapid vibration, affecting our DNA, continues to wash away the limits of our known parameters.  We are awakening into a wider perspective.

Though we may try to resist the forces of change, it is beyond our control.

To harmonize with change is to recognize that, yes, the force is with us.  However, it is up to us to open the channels for the energy to flow through us, unimpeded.  The less resistance we have to acknowledging our own heart-level perception, the more our vitality, clarity and personal wisdom will be enhanced.

By harmonizing with change, we move from the disconcerting periphery into the flow of Ease within change, and we inevitably widen the pathway into the New Earth — the New Garden Earth — for the well-being of all.

Change on Earth is broad in scope as incoming energy waves inundate the shoreline of our awareness and bathe us in higher frequencies.

Science affirms that the electromagnetic disturbances which affect both the Earth and the Sun, in varying feedback loops, also continue to affect the personal electromagnetic fields of humans — with much ongoing talk about alterations in DNA.

Apparently we are evolving.

It is clear that humankind is being affected widely.  Divergent responses to circumstances worldwide are based on polarization towards thoughts which are electric, or feelings which are magnetic.  The sea of humanity is reflecting to us the shifting collective consciousness within the momentum of change.

Outer reality consists of what the collective consciousness of humanity has agreed upon — whether directly (actively) or by default (passively).  It is obvious that the agreement is changing.

Bathing in the Light

September 12, 2015

The patterns of denial energy have existed on Earth for countless millennia.  They revisit us only until we recognize them.  When we no longer give our energy and time (however inadvertently) to this ancient game, this ancient ploy, we become free of the baggage that has weighed down/densified the hearts of humanity for eons of time.

The remnants of manipulative denial energy, though still active, are losing their power

T.he magnetic pull of density may continue to try to engulf us through manipulation or self-serving attitudes of others.  How may other forms of denial energy be recognized?

Denial energy often has deceptive packaging in appearance as it moves around an energetic chess board trying to gain advantage for its own validation — while pretending to have another agenda.

To see this energy dynamic with clarity is an illuminating experience.  When this behavior pattern becomes obvious, it is easy to disengage from it.  One can then change ones relationship with it, no longer disempowered by it.

When one is no longer held in thrall by manipulation, one’s world changes — quickly and decisively.

Many are not aware of the Solar Eclipse and the New Moon and what it might mean to our personal bio-electric magnetic field.  As the vibrational frequency being poured onto Earth from Galactic Space continues to grow in intensity, the wave of cleansing energy is pushing on individual evolution with increasing force.  The energy of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon adds to the stimulation of our personal bio-magnetic fields.  For those willing to be receptive, this is a time of exuberant Joy as one is bathed in the light of Expansion, Evolvement and Upliftment.

In a very real sense two worlds co-exist side by side at this time.

Those whose consciousness is directed toward restriction, contraction, control and manipulation will not experience expansive joy or rejuvenating energy.

Anywhere we see or sense manipulation (whether near or far), it is wise to take a closer look as to what is going on.  Who or what is trying to seek validation for itself — myriad types of validation, “achieved” in myriad ways — at the expense of others’ energy and time?  This manipulation is often “achieved” by guilt-tripping others.  This is a form of denial energy.  Clarity becomes quite simple.  If clarity is expressed, expect this “denial energy” to deny that it is denying — a further manipulation.

To move beyond the limiting perceptions and parameters of the past is to open to magic and miracles.

Just as sunlight melts ice, so too the unseen light from the Galactic Radiation melts limitation, fear and constraints as we awaken within it.

When we open up to the Light of our Inner Landscape, we discover that the view is expansively wide and filled with Joy and Unconditional Love.  Our outer world begins to mirror our inner abundance of heart-felt delight and revitalized presence.  With a sense of expectant creativity and fulfilled longings, we step onto a path of happiness and radiant well being.

Eyes Closed, Envisioning

September 20, 2015

As we give ourselves permission to release limiting concepts. limiting belief systems, limiting patterns and constraints, we open — within ourselves — onto an inner landscape of expansion, new levels of well-being, delight and possibility.

The melting of limitation and the opening of new vistas is a concurrent process.  Everything we create in the outer begins in the inner, inside ourselves.  We can begin simply — imagining, for example, one small tree.  We can see that tree becoming taller, and stronger.  We can begin to see two trees, three trees, a row of trees, a grove of trees.

So too, when we create space — by dissolving, within ourselves, limiting parameters of what is possible — we ourselves grow in new directions.  We multiply our interests and our talents.  We grow taller.  And we discover aspects of ourselves — gifts and abilities — which have been hidden and dormant, waiting for the remembering

M.etaphorically, we return to the box of crayons which we may not have fully discovered as a child, and we now find that every color, every nuance belongs to us.  It may not be crayons that we choose to play with now.  What is essential is that we release ourselves from constraints in our way of living that may have been defined for us.

When we begin to feel, within ourselves, the contrast between limitation and expansion — that which has been, and that which beckons — whatever purpose those constraints may have served has been completed.

By closing our eyes when imagining, we can see that which is thus far still hidden in the outer world — the young tree, growing.  Everything we imagine is our choice.  Here we are in a world where our feelings perceive.

Every day — from sunrise to sunrise — that which we envision, and which we choose to create, becomes superimposed on our view of the outer world.  The tree grows stronger, for we are providing fertile soil.  As it grows, constraints and limitations we have known in the past are released.

This process is the arrival into the New Earth, the New Garden Earth consciousness within ourselves.  It brings with it the possibility of beautiful, positive, unprecedented change.

“The melting of limitation 
 and the opening of new vistas 
is a concurrent process.”